Dear Prom Lady,
What's your deal? In every post you make some comment about drinking or doing drugs or something at prom. What are you trying to do? Tell us to do drugs? Tell us not to do drugs? And with all of your - "don't drink and drive" talk... do you work for M.A.D.D. or something?
- Get Over Yourself
Listen GOY,
I don't claim to have all of the answers or any special expertise, but as someone with a few years of hindsight and a public forum from which to spew my opinion, I feel like it's my duty to include some responsible warnings for you, my audience. (And, no, I don't work for M.A.D.D. though I think it is a respectable organization with its heart in the right place.)
That having been said, let me take this moment to talk about drinking, drugs and their place at prom. The fact is, a lot of people think of prom as the perfect opportunity to get wasted. I mean, you're hanging out with your high school friends for potentially the last time ever, you're already spending tons of money, you're having a good time - why not add recreational drug and alcohol use, right? Well, not exactly.
Let's take this step-by-step:
- Alcohol - This is the most abused drug in the U.S. It's cheap, easy to obtain and widely accepted. The thing is, it's also
illegal to consume if you're under 21 (which you probably are), lowers your inhibitions to the point where you might do something that you will really regret later and has huge potential to make you look like a jackass in front of your friends.
So, be smart. If you plan to drink, (1) find someone else to drive you around. (2) Drink 1 glass of water for every 1 drink you have (you will thank me later). (3) Listen to your body and listen to yourself. If you can't understand what you're saying, or you can feel the liquid sloshing around in your stomach, or you find yourself lying in a pee soaked bed in your Costa Rican host family's house, you know you're in trouble. (Don't ask)
- Marijuana - Oh you wacky wacky weed... the thing about pot is that it'
s different depending on where you get it from - sometimes you don't know how it's going to make you act. Maybe you'll get high and spend your whole prom laughing and acting silly with your friends. Or, maybe you'll get high and spend your whole prom sitting in a chair paranoid that the teachers at your dance can smell the weed in your hair.
- Prescription Drugs - If you're taking a prescription that isn't yours or i
n a way that wasn't recommended by your personal doctor, you're potentially causing major chemical damage to your body. (The potential is there even if the prescription is yours, but that's another blog entirely.) Like weed, when you take a prescription drug, you have no idea how your body will react. Unlike weed, you can potentially become deeply chemically dependent on a pharmaceutical or find some way to kill yourself. (Like inadvertently mixing the wrong thing with alcohol or aggravating a condition that you didn't even know you had.)
- Cocaine - We have officially moved outside of my personal realm of experience, but I'll do the best I can. If you can afford to do coke, congratulations on bein
g a rich teenager. Do yourself a favor, save your money for college, or a sweet apartment during college. No? Not convinced? Wikipedia will tell you why you shouldn't use this drug: "The initial signs of stimulation [from cocaine] are hyperactivity, restlessness, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and euphoria. The euphoria is sometimes followed by feelings of discomfort and depression and a craving to experience the drug again. Sexual interest and pleasure can be amplified. Side effects can include twitching, paranoia, and impotence..."
- Hallucinogens (including Ecstacy) - The really scary thing about th
is drug is that we're still not really sure what all it does to the human body. Also, chances are, whatever you're buying isn't just MDMA (aka Ecstasy). These days, you're far more likely to be sold speed with something cut into it. Or some other damn thing that you couldn't even predict. Point being, take X and anything or nothing could happen to you.
And finally...
- Meth - There are honestly not enough ways that I can say do n
ot use this drug. Seriously. There's nothing good here. Turn back now. Crystal Meth is very very bad for you. Whether you're at prom or in a closely monitored padded room with doctors at the ready - it's just a horrible idea to ever let this drug near you or someone you love.
In general, putting anything in your body that causes unnatural internal behavior is bad for you. This includes caffeine, excessive amounts of sugar, cough syrup, etc. The key is to be smart. Learn to listen to your body - know how you react to different things. (I crash super fast with caffeine and sugar.) Don't drink, drug and drive, ever. And finally, if you're going to take drugs, tell someone who you trust and know will be sober what you're taking. If, God forbid, something goes wrong, they can get help.
- Prom Lady
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