Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Different Kind of Prom

Hello, welcome back to Modern Promenade. I know that it has been a while and I've realized that I'm going to have to update on a weekly as opposed to daily basis. The main reason is that I'm simply not going to motivate myself to post every single day. The second reason is that, there simply isn't that much info that one can give about prom. Seriously. And now, on to this week's topic...

After reading back through some of my earlier entries, I've realized that I'm taking a very "traditional" heterosexual view of what it means to go to prom. Considering that my prom experience was very "traditional" and heterosexual (for the most part) that's the only perspective from which I can authoritatively speak. But, that's no excuse. The fact is, in every U.S. high school there are all kinds of students: liberal, conservative, gay, straight, bi, transgendered, black, white, asian, hispanic, awesome, obnoxious and everything in between. So, in acknowledgment of my queer brothers and sisters, I have amassed as many references as I could find on what it means to be "sexually alternative", teen-aged and going to the prom.

My final word: Whether you're queer or straight or purple - go to the prom! It's your right as a young person who attends a school in the U.S. It's part of the whole coming-of-age, learning to be a well socialized adult thing that we do in this country. It's an excuse to eat a meal in a nice restaurant and wear fancy clothes. It's a great chance to hang out with good friends one last time and maybe make some fun memories. Straight kids, be supportive of your LGBT friends - LGBT kids, don't make fun of your straight friends. Forget about all of the hoopla that the old people try to make out of the whole deal - just be young and have fun. That's what it's all about. I'm Out!!

P.S. I'm looking for feedback, questions, corrections and suggestions. I need to hear from you people!

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