My good friend Linda and I started planning for prom in September. Our prom didn't happen until May, but we didn't care. We were super excited, talked about it nearly every day and didn't want to leave even one thing unplanned. I spent at least one night a week at her house for months just so we could pretend like we were doing homework while we were actually planning minute details for what our collective prom nights would be like.
One of the biggest deals for us was who we were going to take to prom. While she and I both had crushes on a few different guys in the school, we ultimately decided that it would be more fun and make a lot more sense to go with our friends. So, we decided that we would take our "Freshman Friends". She got EM and I got AD.
Now that we knew who we were going to take, we began devising a thoroughly overwrought and hyper- complicated plan for how we were going to ask them. We decided that since they were only Freshmen and we were big cool Juniors and they wouldn't have been able to go unless super cool Upperclassmen asked them, we would make it even more special by making them go on a scavenger hunt in order to find a video tape that we had made asking them to the prom.
The tape was awesome. It included a dance that we choreographed to some song that I can't remember, copious references to broccoli florets (because my date was raised vegetarian) and tight outfits that were meant to resemble what they wore in The Matrix. I really wish that I still had that tape, but at the time, I found it so embarrassing that I decided that it needed to be destroyed. Alas...
Anyhow - both guys completed the scavenger hunt, watched the tape, eagerly accepted our invitations to the prom and we immediately began to instruct them on what they had to do in order to be our prom dates. Everything was going extremely well until about three weeks before prom... My date, AD, got caught with pot (aka marijuana) in his room. His mom told him that he couldn't go to prom and I ended up having to take LB - a really nice guy who I just wasn't that into - instead. Prom was still fun because I was with my friends and in the end I got to go to LB's prom

So, the moral of this story is - don't do drugs (because at 17 and 18, you're going to get caught), and if things don't go exactly according to plan - don't sweat it, you can still have a good time.
Do you have any funny, embarrassing, romantic or crazy prom stories? Let me know, I'll p

Me and LB off to the prom
That's Linda, Top Left - Always Laughing
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